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Anastasia Katsinavaki

Anastasia Katsinavaki [born in Cologne DE, grew up in Athens GR]. She has a diploma in Classical Singing and Byzantine Music [both with magna cum laude / first prize award], and is a graduate of Veaki Drama School [highest grade + scholarship]. 

She has extensively experimented with voice techniches in music theatre and experimental singing, new technologies and augmented body in performing arts. She has been a member of Spyros Sakkas’ Center of Vocal Arts for years and the international award-winning ODC Ensemble theatre company. In 2020 she has founded Polkadot Productions, an artistic company that has already been subsidized and placed under the Auspices of Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Her collaboration with Dr Polina Zioga and their two years [2013 – 2015] research on live brain computing performance resulted to her solo performance Enheduanna, a manifesto of falling [Center of Contemporary Arts Glasgow UK], the first study case on the use of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) interactively, live in theatre [selective honours: Global Excellence Initiative Fund PhD Studentship Award, Top-Ranked LABS Abstracts 2017 (Leonardo, MIT Press) Award, Supported by NEON Organization 2014-2015 Grant for Performance Production & MyndPlay. “Will mind-controlled films change cinema? Chips with Everything podcast”, The Guardian podcast].

ODC Ensemble’s hybrid new opera The Cave, in which she participated as a performer having also the responsibility  of the coaching, is a winner of the Music Theater NOW international competition 2018 edition and has be presented at the Operadagen Festival in May 2019.
Her play Asylum [a holy space within] is an artistic research and social action, which focuses on the social stigma of mental illness. The play is one of the first live digital music theater pieces, with original music and live electronics, presented during the lockdown in Athens in 2021.  

ODC ensemble’s Hotel Anti-Oedipus (2021), where she kept the role of Tiresias, was a live digital music performance with live electronics, face recognition and gaming technologies mixed with live visuals live created by artists on four, sometimes five countries, that premiered at Pompidou in Paris within the framework of Ircam’s Forum Vertigo:“New Modalities of Artistic Presence during Covid”.

Anastasia has performed in theatres and festivals in Greece and abroad such as: BAM Fisher, NY (USA), Operadagen Festival – Rotterdam (NL), Be Festival - Birmingham (UK), Copenhagen Opera Festival (DK), Aalborg Operafestival (DK), Center of Contemporary Arts, Glasgow (UK), Notre Dame Gate, Birgu (Valletta cultural capital of Europe 2018, MT), Epidaurus Festival, Greek Art Theatre Karolos Koun, Benaki Museum, Elefsis Cultural Capital of Europe 2021,National Theatre of Northen Greece, Agrinion Municipal Theater, Patras Municipal Theater, Athens Festival, Athens Concert Hall - Megaron etc.
She has also sung as a soloist in venues and festivals such as: Greek National Opera (Stavros Niarchos Foundation), Half Note Jazz Club, TRIANON, Parnassos Hall, Book’s Gallery (Stoa tou Vivliou) , Melina Mercouri Foundation, Goulandris-Horn Foundation, Samos Festival, Hydra Festival, International Choir Festival , Niš (RS) etc, and has collaborated with the Third National Greek Radio Network Broadcast (ERA 3).

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